Vamed Education & Training

examples of In-class training programs often requested by clients


Под руководством опытного онколога из одной из больниц-партнеров VAMED врачи получат представление о молекулярной основе рака и о том, как это влияет на лечение и прогноз пациента. Они также узнают о различных формах опухолей, о том, как они растут и как взаимодействуют с организмом.

  • Молекулярная основа рака

  • Опухоли

  • Overview of Radiotherapy and Other Cancer Treatments

  • Клиническая фармакология и системное лечение

  • Лечение рака молочной железы, легких, кишечника и простаты 

  •  Тематические исследования


Врачи получат всесторонний обзор принципов, процедур и методов анестезии.

  • Фармакология используемых препаратов

  • Техники общей и регионарной анестезии

  • Осложнения анестезии

  • Акушерская анестезия и обезболивание; Особые требования к анестезии для других хирургических групп, например. Педиатрия

  • Послеоперационный уход за пациентом


Многие страны сталкиваются с появлением относительно новых инфекционных заболеваний, таких как вирус Зика, а также с продолжающимся распространением «старых» болезней, таких как туберкулез. Этот курс идеально подходит для врачей или медсестер в этих странах, которые хотели бы узнать больше об этих заболеваниях и способах их лечения.

  • малярия
  • Туберкулез
  • Dengue Fever
  • Респираторные заболевания
  • грипп
  • Диарейные заболевания
  • Зика


Способность оценивать и управлять неотложной медицинской помощью имеет решающее значение для оказания пациентам первой помощи, в которой они нуждаются. Этот курс даст врачам и медсестрам эти ноу-хау, а также знания и навыки, необходимые для реанимации, диагностики и лечения распространенных неотложных травм и работы с пациентами в состоянии шока.

  • Сортировка, сбор и оценка исходных данных

  • Жидкостная реанимация

  • Стабилизация респираторных, неврологических, торакальных и абдоминальных травм

  • Управление шоком

  • Общие неотложные состояния

  • Незначительные травмы

  • Работа в мультидисциплинарных командах


Этот курс дает врачам базовое представление о гинекологических и акушерских темах, в том числе о том, как выполнять и интерпретировать ультразвуковые исследования в этой области и что влечет за собой предоперационная и послеоперационная помощь в этой области. После этого курса они смогут лечить легкие акушерские или гинекологические проблемы и распознавать тяжелые случаи для направления к специалистам в области акушерства и гинекологии.

  • Ультразвуковая диагностика

  • Симптомы и патофизиологические основы акушерско-гинекологических проблем и инфекций, передающихся половым путем

  • Предоперационный и послеоперационный уход

  • Дородовая помощь и осложнения беременности; Управление трудом/доставкой

  • Доброкачественные гинекологические заболевания, например. Эндокринные проблемы, тазовая боль и аномальное вагинальное кровотечение


Благодаря этому курсу медсестры и медицинские работники сообщества узнают, как планировать и осуществлять программы профилактики и укрепления здоровья, особенно на уровне сообщества. Такие программы являются эффективными инструментами для информирования населения о здоровье, особенно в сельской местности.

  • питание; Табачная и алкогольная зависимость

  • Физическая активность

  • Гигиена

  • Репродуктивное здоровье и профилактика заболеваний, передающихся половым путем

  • Основы психического здоровья

  • Планирование программы


According to the World Health Organization, many developing countries face a shortage in qualified healthcare staff for patients in intensive care units. Critically ill patients often receive care from unsupervised health personnel with little or no relevant training. To address this challenge, VAMED is offering this course in intensive care to give doctors and nurses the expertise to be able to assess, treat and monitor patients needing intensive care according to international standards. The course takes place in two blocks. The first block is provides the two target groups in-depth knowledge of the topics presented below. The second block brings the two target groups together to do practice-oriented training (working groups, simulation training, roleplaying, case studies, etc.) in multidisciplinary teams.

  • Pharmacology in Intensive Care

  • Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology

  • Pain Treatment and Management

  • Lung Artificiel Ventilation (modes, machines...)

  • Features of Intensive Care in Treating Cardio, Neuro, Neuro-Surgical and Obstetrical Patients

  • Case Management of ICU Patients

  •  Clinical Communication and Decision-Making

  • Работа в мультидисциплинарных командах

  • Pathology
  • Management of Critical Patients (including Assessment, Planning and Monitoring)
  • Communication with Patients and Their Families
  • Evidenced-Based Best Practices in Intensive Care
  • ECMO
  • The Role of Step Down Units
  • High-Dependency Care
  • Работа в мультидисциплинарных командах


As laboratory personnel, it is necessary to have a good understanding of how to carry out laboratory work, including how to store and prepare samples, how to take tissue cultures and how to analyze the resulting data. This course can only be offered if the necessary equipment is available.

  • Health, Safety and Hygiene; Calculations and Solution Preparation

  • PCR Optimization Strategy; Sample Storage and Preparation

  • Microscopy

  • Tissue Culture Techniques; Methods for Nucleic Acid and Protein Samples Preparation; Western Blot

  • Data Analysis

  • Other Topics Relevant to the Specific Laboratory’s Scope


As reflected by the UN sustainable development goals, maternal and child health are key issues in many developing countries. In order to reduce the mortality rate of mothers and children under five, it is necessary that countries have well-trained healthcare staff, especially nurses, to treat this target group. To this end, this course will provide nurses the know-how needed to treat minor pregnancy and delivery complications, prevent infections and support women in having a healthy pregnancy and delivery. The course will be offered in two blocks: one block by a doctor in obstetrics/ gynecology and a second block by a midwife.


  • Lifestyle for a Health Pregnancy, e.g. Nutrition, Physical Activity
  • Pregnancy Complications
  • Infection Prevention and Hygiene for Antenatal Care


  • Best Practices during Normal Labor and Childbirth
  • Labor/Delivery Complications
  • Post-Delivery Procedures; Examination of Newborns and Treatment of Abnormal Conditions
  • Care for Mothers and Newborns


This course will enable radiological technicians to be able to operate medical imaging equipment and produce high-quality medical images according to international standards. This course can only be offered if the necessary equipment is available.

  • Human Biology; Pharmacology; Clinical Foundations
  • Scientific and Clinical Reasoning; Technology including Medical Informatics; Radiation; Quality Assurance
  • Musculoskeletal System, including Anatomy and Pathology, Research and Treatment Methods; Neurological System and NKO
  • Thorax and Abdomen


Taking the course in medical imaging and diagnostics will enable doctors to utilize medical diagnostic equipment and correctly interpret the images they produce. Doctors can take this course in its entirety or they can take one or more of the individual modules. This course can only be offered if the necessary equipment is available.

  • Ultrasound: Ultrasound Overview; Core Obstetric, Cardiac, Abdominal, Musculoskeletal Ultrasounds

  • Computed Tomography: CT Fundamentals, Radiation Exposure, Dose Reduction Options, Presentation Options, CT Clinical Aspects

  • Magnetic Resonance Imagining: Physical Fundamentals, Sequencing, Image Quality Parameters, Safety and Hardware, MRI Clinical Aspects#

  • EKG: EKG Fundamentals, Correct Use of EKG Electrodes, Interpretation of EKG Results, EKG Images, Cardiac Arrhythmia

  • Mammography: Epidemiology of Breast Cancer, Mammography Techniques and Technology, Breast Cancer Diagnostics, Pathology of Healthy Breasts, Benign Lumps and Malignant Lumps, Radiology of Healthy Breasts, Benign Lumps and Malignant Lumps


In this course, nurses will gain an understanding of the most common types of cancer and best practices for delivering effective oncological care. Taught by a doctor or nurse working with cancer patients, partic-ipants

will have the chance to learn how to carry out nursing assessments and interventions for cancer patients, as well as how to deal to manage wounds and provide palliative care, among other topics.

  • Pathophysiology of Cancer and Carcinogenesis

  • Overview of Various Types and Treatments of Cancer

  • Symptoms, Side Effects (e.g. Pain)

  • Nutrition

  • Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

  • Nursing Assessments, Care Planning and Interventions

  • High Prevalence and High Risk Conditions Encountered in Cancer

  • Multidisciplinary Teamwork

  • Communication with Patients and Their Families

  • Wound Management

  • Palliative Care

  • Advanced Nurse Roles

  • Cancer Survivorship (living with and beyond cancer; managing patients physically and emotionally)


To ensure a safe and successful surgery, it is necessary to know how to properly prepare and manage the operating room. This includes guaranteeing a sufficient supply of materials, such as gloves, instru-ments and blood, as well as ensuring the necessary personnel, from orderlies to doctors. After complet-ing this course, doctors and nurses will be able to accomplish these tasks.

  • Staff and Operating Room Organization, including Materials
  • SOPs and Process Management, including Patient Transport
  • Hygiene and Sterilization
  • Time Management and Resource Management
  • Interdisciplinary Teamwork


Children are a vulnerable patient group and thus require special expertise in treating them. Through this course, nurses will gain a general understanding in nursing pediatrics and the skills to be able to deal effectively with infants, children and adolescents and their families. Specifically, the course covers topics such as typical childhood diseases, nutrition and communication with children and their families.

  • Typical Childhood Diseases and Vaccination Programs

  • Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nursing Procedures of Acute and Chronic Illnesses

  • Nutrition

  • Communication with Pediatric Patients and Their Families


Treating children with a hematologic disease or cancer requires a specific know-how and approach. In this course, doctors will learn the basic pathophysiology of cancer in children, as well as how to effectively diagnose and manage hematologic diseases and cancers for this special patient group. Other topics include immunological disorders, stem cell transplantation, treating leukemia and tumors in children, as well communication with young patients and their parents.

  • Basic Pathophysiology of Hematologic Disease and Cancer in Infants, Children, and Adoles-cents and the Fundamentals of Morphology and Disease Classification

  • Diagnosis and Management of Hematologic Disorders and Malignancies in Infants, Children, and Adolescents

  • Fundamental Concepts of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Outcomes Analysis and Engagement

  • Principles and Practice of Stem Cell Transplantation, Transfusion Medicine and Supportive Care in Children with Hematologic Disease and Cancer

  • Basic Principles of Immunology and Common Immunologic Disorders

  • Treatment of Leukemia

  • Treatment of Solid Tumors

  • Communication with Child Patients and Their Parents

  • Rehabilitation for Infants, Children, and Adolescents with Cancer


This course provides healthcare professionals (e.g. paramedics, doctors, nurses and community health workers) the know-how needed to deliver pre-hospital emergency care and first aid, such as treating shock and traumatic injuries and dealing with special emergency situations. A key component of this course is the use of practice-oriented sessions using simulation training (if such equipment is available), roleplaying and exercises in multidisciplinary groups.

  • Scene Assessment (incl. Disease Transmission Prevention)

  • Anatomy and Physiology

  • Respiratory and Circulatory Emergencies; Airway and Ventilation

  • Bleeding; Shock

  • Traumatic Injuries

  • Medical Emergencies (e.g. cold-related emergencies)

  • Special Populations and Situations (e.g. childbirth)


Healthcare professionals will learn why it is important to carry out proper hygiene techniques and how to prevent infections for both themselves and their patient. Moreover, by becoming familiar with the cause and recognition of communicable diseases they will be able to help minimize the spread of serious diseases.

  • Personal Hygiene, e.g. Hand Hygiene

  • Disinfection, Sterilization and Facility Cleanliness

  • Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Prevention of Communicable Diseases

  • Nosocomial Infections

  • Water Hygiene

  • Waste Disposal

  • Prevention of Wound Infection


This course equips participants with the knowledge and skills needed to train other healthcare professionals. The course covers adult learning, various learning approaches, designing training courses and providing effective feedback, among other topics.

  • Theory and Practice for Adult Learning and Professional Development
  • Understanding Different Learning Styles and Approaches
  • Training Design, Especially to Teach a Skill
  • Observation and Reflection as Tools for Teaching and Evaluation; How to Give Effective Feed-back
  • Small and Large Group Teaching
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